The S3I Concept

The key working concept of the Science and Society Synergy Institute (S3I) is to provide stimulative working conditions for the most creative and innovative minds, regardless of their scientific discipline. The focus of S3I is on identifying the most original cutting-edge research ideas and helping them to excel into self-sustainable research projects. S3I is open to researchers from Croatia and abroad. It operates as a safe haven for creative and innovative minds, where their ideas are heard by open-minded visionary investors, the wider society and policy makers.The institute is designed as a meeting point of various active participants in the process of societal development – entrepreneurs, policy makers, education professionals, scientists, artists, etc. – with the common goal of incubating new ideas and supporting independent and creative thinking. The institute operates by providing institutional support to research start-ups, with a special focus on young scientists in all scientific disciplines from Croatia and abroad. Thanks to an open minded and multidisciplinary setting, the Institute enables new generations of intellectual leaders to promote and pursue their visions of a better future of the society. Science and Society Synergy Institute
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Modern Leadership in the Making

Project news:
Brochure: HR, SLO, DE, EN
1st Meeting

2nd Meeting
Analiza trendova nezaposlenosti u Međimurskoj županiji
Vizualizacija podataka o nezaposlenosti u Međimurju
Predviđanje nezaposlenosti u Međimurju
Elementi nezaposlenosti u Međimurju
Project news:
EU izbori 2014: mape po općinama i gradovima
EU izbori 2013 u kontekstu
Nezaposlenost i plaće
Obrazovna struktura općina i gradova
Dobna struktura općina i gradova
Analiza referenduma o braku
Početak projekta
Project news:
Američki ambasador u Srbiji otvorio seminar za hrvatske i srpske studente o modernom liderstvu
Students: Apply for Modern Leadership Workshops!
List of lecturers and trainers

Science and Society Synergy Institute
Bana Josipa Jelačića 22B
40000 Čakovec
OIB: 26014726772
Žiro račun:  IBAN: HR9824020061101038571


A project from S3I winner of the regional ESNC Croatia:

Light pollution

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) is looking for applications based on satellite navigation that use the technology in new and innovative ways. They award ideas on regional and global level.

Dr. Dejan Vinković and Matko Smoljan are winners of the Regional Competition Croatia 2012 and their project was officially awarded at the ESNC ceremony in Munich, Germany, last Thursday. More about the project can be found at the ESNC website and in the brochure of competition results.

Spring 2012:

The S3I institute is again a co-organizer of the Summer Science Factory (SSF) in Čakovec. SSF is a science camp for kids from age 9 to 18, organized by university students. The camp in Čakovec this year takes place in Technical School Čakovec, 15-21. July 2012. More about the SSF and how to apply can be found here:

Toward a Platform for Motivated and Gifted Youth:

February 24-27, 2012
Čakovec (Croatia)

The support for talented youth is becoming an increasingly discussed issue on the European level, as it is expected to be pivotal for the future competitiveness of European economy. However, creating a support system, especially for the young age groups, is a highly complex task that requires collaborative participation from various social actors. This is difficult to accomplish, especially in countries like Croatia that undergo deep social and economic reforms and lack a systemic policy on this issue. The project aims at bringing together active participants in the field of identification and support of motivated and gifted youth: education professionals, science promoters, researchers in education, and policy makers. They will present their work by communicating their views on what they consider as a talented youth and promoting successful measures and activities they have undertaken. This will foster collaborations between participants, which is a necessary step toward promoting joint projects, ideas and initiatives. The project will help create plans for cooperative projects and future joint actions to ensure a long term impact of the project.

Read more …

June 30, 2011:

The Summer Science Factory project received a grant from the World Bank 2011 Civil Society Fund Program. Only eight out of 84 applied projects received the grant this year. The contract was signed during a ceremony at the World Bank Croatia office. Read more..

Spring 2011:

The S3I institute created its Centre for Advancement of Education, with the main goal to explore methods for improving educational practice in schools, colleges and other education organisations. A special attention is given to natural sciences, since they are the backbone of the economic growth in modern economies. Read more…

Fall 2010:

The S3I institute is involved in preparation of various project proposals that span a wide range of research topics: physics, astronomy, biology, computer science, sociology, education, etc. These activities broaden the institute’s collaboration network, which will further expand in 2011 when the institute activates its next strategic phase of development. S3I is supported by REDEA (Regional Development Agency Medjimurje) and their project Technology & Innovation Center.